About Me
Monique R. Rathbun - Bakery Owner, Entrepreneur, Mom and Wife

In July of 2017 my son, Billy (aka Bibby), was about to turn 4 years old and due to my work schedule, I had essentially missed all the major milestones in his life. When he first rolled over, sat up unassisted, crawled, spoke his first words and took his first steps. Although I was technically his mom, I had become "the lady who came home every night to feed him, give him a bath and put him to bed" and that was not enough for me.
Despite the fact that I truly enjoyed my corporate career and had great success in it, I made the decision to walk away from all that I knew and had become in order to become the person whom I always wanted to be... that is Billy's (Bibby's) Mommy.
After being home with him for a while I started experimenting in the kitchen with baking. Whenever I would make a cake or cookies my son would insist that it was "Bibby's cake" and the name just stuck.
I started like most home bakers by making cakes for friends and family and then through word of mouth the orders started pouring in. I quickly outgrew my home kitchen and decided it was time to take the leap and open my storefront.
Bibby's cakes understands the value of family and strive to provide the best service to our customers whom we also consider family.
This has been an amazing adventure and we are looking forward to what the future holds.